Datafeed Downloads

Every wholesaler or distrubutor that really wants to help their customer sell their products should give them access to as much information as possible to ensure that they can resell their products. Thats where the likes of a Dropship CSV datafeed comes in. We have decided that we will release a full product datafeed aswell as aseperate stock feed. These standard downloadable datafeeds can be downoaded once you have create dyou account with us. You will need to then use your registered email to dwnload the information. Carry on reading and we will supply fill details below on how to get you datafeed.

Dropship CSV datafeedWe have broken our datafeeds down into 2 files, a products file and a stock file. Our products file contains all of the information needed so that you can transfer our products onto your website. The other file, stock file, simply containes the product code and the stock status. This makes it very quick and efficent to download and then upload automatically into your own website. By using our stock feed it means that you keep your website upto date and only sell items that are in stock.

How do i use a CSV download file?

Our products file has all of the required information present to upload into your system. We have tried to keep the data as simple as possible taking into consideration shopping carts like Woocommerce, Shopify, Zencart etc. The data includes the following fields:-

  • Product ID
  • SKU
  • Name
  • Description
  • Regular Price
  • Categories
  • Images
  • Parent
  • Attributes (If Applicable)

If you choose to upload the file directly into your system then you will need to put in some kind of calculation for the pricing. Alternatively if you download the file into something like Microsoft Excel then y ou will be able to manipulate the data so that you can add you uplift to the pricing. See some of our other articles around SEO and optimisation.


Our Dropship CSV datafeed File includes the following 4 fields: –

  • ID
  • SKU
  • QTY

The Stock Feed can be linked to you products using wither the ID or the SKU field. Bothe will copy across the correct stock levels.

The ‘STOCK’ column gives a status of the individual product by text. This will either be ‘instock’ or ‘outofstock’.#

The ‘QTY’ column gives a numercal representation of the stock. 1 = instock, 0 = out of stock.

The columns above will allow you to import the stock on a regular basis and you can use either the text or numerical values for your system.


How do i download the Dropship CSV datafeed?

The first thing that you need to do is to register on our website. This is very quick and easy to do. Once you have registered you can then download the datafeeds by using the links below. You will need to ensure that you put your registered email address in replace ofthe example below. This will then authorise you to download the datafeed and use it for your own websites.

There are 2 inks as follows:-

Product Feed –

Stock Feed –


We are able to provide support for downloading the datafeeds from our website however we cannot provide help and support for uploading into you own website. There are many great tutorials available on the internet that will show how to import CSV files into shopping cart programmes.

If you encounter any problems while using or downloading our datafiles then please get in contact with us.